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Episode variables (for story makers)

You can determinate which choice links are visible or hidden belong to the episode so that you can set up some conditions to continue the storyline in the actual pathway. For example, if you creating a text game you are able to disable the reader to go to a certain episode before didn't finish a previous mission or in an educational text, you could hide the next exam or tutorial before the reader selects the right answers. To achieve this you can assign variables and set values of it at each episode and these values conditionally can show or hide specified choices. The assignments and choices are also useful in an educational TextPlay. For example, you can ask the reader to select the right answer for a question about the lesson and don't let to the next lesson until he or she didn't choose the right answer.
An episode assignment has a variable an operator and a value while a choice condition about a variable a relation and a possible value. A variable could be a simple word subject the thing you want to identify in a choice condition later. The operator assigns a value to a variable. For example in an early episode when your player selects a choice "I want to be a wizard" you can create a variable in the next episode named "Character" then the "equal to" operator assigns a value like "Wizard" so that later on in the story you can show some choices only for those readers who previously selected that they want to be a wizard character in your story. To set a condition simply create it next to a specific choice, then select if the condition shows or hides the choice. Followed by our previous example, when your character meets with a devil monster in one of your episode could have a choice to use specific magic but only if playing with a wizard.

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